Thursday, November 15, 2007


I've received wonderful comments to this blog and kind messages at the newsgroups I belong to. Here I will share my mail on the topic of THE LIST.

From Linda C:
This is terrible and heartbreaking, Angela.

I think writing about it in your blog is a good idea. It must be at least some kind of comfort, and it will be a keepsake for your kids.

So sorry,


[Thank you, Linda!]

From S.E.


[I agree!]

From T.C.

Angela,I am sorry to hear about your loss. It must be particularly hard in that it was unexpected. I think the list is a good way to remember what you had, but more why it was important.

[That's exactly it!!!]

From Cathy;

I am so sorry to hear about this; it makes me sad to think of losing the pictures and keepsakes. I know it is just "stuff", but it is stuff full of memories. Don't give up hope though. You never know what might return to you. A friend of mine dropped her memory stick from her digital camera when she was changing it while we were camping. She was sure it was gone (in the woods, not labeled with a name or address, etc) and she was sad because it held some very meaningful pictures from that trip. Three years later she receives it in the mail with a note from a man who just happened to see it (three years later) and he was a retired police detective; he was able to find their name and address by a trailer license plate that was in the background on one of the pictures. So you never know.

[Great story!!!]


Your lists are wonderful - you have a fantastic memory.

Was this a storage unit in the States or abroad? I know it's not the point, but it really bothers me more if it was in the States. (I don't know why. Unfounded expectations, I suppose.)

Keep writing!


[I'm glad you like The List. Our storage unit was in the US near where we used to live]

Oh Angela! I'm so sorry to hear about your big loss!!! Your blog is truly lovely, a printed lemonade artwork made from the rinds of missing lemons. Hope the most important things lost find their way home to you soon. HUGS!! Emily

[Thanks Emily and thanks for linking to this blog!]


I'm so sorry for your loss of items you put in storage for safe-keeping. I hope and pray those responsible for taking them will be found and prosecuted. I'm glad your memories have remained. No one can take those. Keep in touch!

J. P.

[Thanks J.P. at this point I'd be happy to forgive and forget if it lead us to some of our things]

And by far the most common question in the mailbox was:

"What happened?"

The answer remains - we don't know and we're trying to find out."

I listed less than half of the e-mails received, but will continue to include more in the future.

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